Wednesday, December 16, 2009

The Spankin' Factory

We're always talking about the Spankin Factory at our house for some reason. Morgan told Cyd she was getting a box of brand-spankin' new spankins for Christmas and she just said, "Ha! You told me what I'm getting for Christmas!"

Yesterday when Morgan picked Cydnie up from my mom's house he had a few minutes to kill before getting Sadie from school.  He asked Cydnie what they should do and she said they should go to the Spankin Factory. Morgan said that was a good idea, but he forgot where it was.  So Cyd directed him. Turn left. Turn right. Go straight. They drove around for a good while when Cydnie all of a sudden gasped and said, "Oh wait...I forgot... The Spankin Factory's closed on Tuesdays!!"


Jackie December 16, 2009 at 9:21:00 AM MST  

That is hysterical. That Cydnie is one funny kid!!

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