Monday, December 7, 2009

What I'm Not Doing

This Christmas Season I am trying to take a step back and re-focus on the real meaning of Christmas and making sure my kids understand what Christmas is really about.

So. This year I am NOT doing Christmas cards. Okay, I never really send them out but I usually stress about it and try to do it and it doesn't get done. This year I'm not going to try to try. I have the pictures I would send out on here anyway and most of my friends look at this anyway, so MERRY CHRISTMAS. there's your card. :)

I am not doing friend gift exchanges. My closest (in proximity and to my heart) are getting together w/ our families for a fun family dinner in lieu of gifts. (I am so excited about this!)

I am not trying to have the coolest, better-than-the-other-kids-moms teacher gifts. (Sorry, Denise! haha) I am doing something low-key and practical.

I am not stressing over the Big Annual Family Christmas party this year. Yes, I am hosting it. But I am just having fun with it! I am not worried about getting the coolest gift that will be fought over - I bought something kind of unique that I would enjoy getting and am leaving it at that. I have decorated and cleaned the basement a week ahead of time and if I don't have a completely spotless house when my family comes, that's fine with me. We are going to focus on enjoying each others' company - and the food! and just have a good time.

What I AM doing:

I am reading the girls Christmas stories every night at bedtime - the ones about the true meaning of Christmas. I'm not sure it's all sinking in, but I think the feeling is there.

I am trying to spend more quality time with the kids - with the TV off and the computer off and really spend time with the girls. We're playing games and I am playing Christmas music on the piano.

We took the girls out to see the Christmas lights @ Temple Square last weekend - it was so fun. We stayed in the Hilton and walked around downtown Salt Lake. There was a guy playing Christmas carols on a bagpipe under the huge Christmas tree. He was awesome. His bagpipes even had Christmas lights on it. :)We did a little Christmas shopping and ate out at some fun places. The only bummer was, when we got in front of the floating nativity we discovered I had let the battery run down in the camera. Curses! So no pictures of our Christmas in the Big City adventure. Oh well.

Just trying to simplify this year and remember that my kids are only little for precious few years. Trying to make some Christmas magic at our house and make some special memories!

What are you not doing this Christmas?
(inspired by this lady.)


Candace December 8, 2009 at 12:21:00 PM MST  

Okay good. Someone else who's not doing Christmas cards. I'm with you. Everyone is going to see our family pict. on our blog site anyways, so what's the point of mailing them out??

This year, I'm not giving any gifts to neighbors, or visiting teachers, or the families that my husband home teaches, or my husbands boss! (I guess the truth is that we JUST moved so I don't KNOW any of our neighbors, I don't HAVE any visiting teachers, and Chad's boss......well he just doesn't get anything this year!

Thanks for your post though. Its inspiring. And refreshing to be reminded that sometimes we just need to Stop doing everything we're doing, and spend time with the ones we hold most dear.

Hope you and your family have a wonderful Christmas!

Hope December 8, 2009 at 12:56:00 PM MST  

good for you! But would it kill you to send me a picture anyway? I want one for my bulletin board.

julie December 15, 2009 at 12:31:00 AM MST  

this is awesome. i loved all of it and felt right at home. im hosting a big party this year, which is way rare for me.... and im super nervous about it!
merv & i decided that we werent doing gift for each other. and i have to say: we arent missing the stress.

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